Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Stop being the person I think you are.

I don't want you to exceed my expectations, I want you to mess up my expectations.  Rob Lowe on Californication me.

Ask me before I ask you ;
Take it before I give it ;
Say sorry when you trample me on the subway ;
Take responsibility for something that is not your fault because at this moment, on this phone call, you are the one person who can actually help me ;
Don't leave me hanging for a thank you ;
Tell me what I need to hear, not what I want to hear ;
Solve the problem before asking me to fix it ;

No it when I'm certain you're going to yes it ;
Yes it when I'm positive you're going to no it.

Shake me up. Keep me guessing. Surprise me. WTF Me.

Don't worry.  I'm reading this too.

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