Friday, July 22, 2011

Picky, Picky, Picky

“Large ¾ full, extra hot, 1% latte, half – caf, two raw sugars, light foam”.

Come again?

This was ordered by the woman in front of me in line at the coffee shop this morning.  Of course I had to side glance her, I mean, really, SIX modifications on a simple latte?

I wonder about these people.  How do they know?  What type of tumultuous road to latte perfection did this poor woman travel to finally reach morning nirvana?  Did she spit out the latte with one raw sugar on account of overt bitterness?  Encounter a sleepless night with the full caf?  Oh, Sweet Jesus, the hardships are almost too much to bear!  

So, I ordered my Americano (2 shots of espresso + hot water), took in her stink eye (because of course she noticed me side glancing her) and made my way into the office all the while thinking …

Life’s complicated enough, can’t we at least keep our coffee simple?


  1. uuugh..pretentiousness personified...although I guess if she did the whole thing while BBMing she would just be the average person in our building ;-)

  2. She was. But, to be fair ... I was too.
