Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I’ve been feeling crummy and what better way to alleviate my foul and sullen mood than with a bit of retail therapy.  I know it will only bring a temporary big smile to my face but that’s enough for now.  Mass consumerism is a valid first step to recovery.

I’ve been marginally obsessed with Mary Jane’s lately, and now I know I want - NEED - the mother of all Mary Jane’s.  Mr. Blahnik is speaking to me and he knows how much I need these Mary Jane’s.  He knows they will make me feel better because when all else fails we will always have our shoes.  He understands. Off I go, ready to drop some serious dough on these babies and never look back.  I will walk proudly and defiantly with these shoes until I return to my former glory as a happy well adjusted person.  I’m excited, and hopeful. Until I try them on.  And.  They.  Don’t. Fit.  It’s not the size, it’s my feet.  My feet are too wide for these damn beautiful shoes.  Admittedly, my feet are the width of shovels (yes, I know I am prone to self – deprecating embellishment but seriously, they are as wide as shovels) and well, Mr. Blahnik’s Mary Jane’s are not for me.  The strap is in the completely wrong place and the shoes look terrible.  Supportive friend agreed.  Helpful salesgirl agreed.  I think I actually pouted.  To what end my disappointment!

They just don’t fit and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. 

Can't force it.  Can't fake it.  Fuck it.  They just don't fit. 
Look at them.  You'd pout too.


  1. Sacrilege!
    pls consider this humble alternative

  2. Oh, yes. Oh, my. Those are indeed lovely. They are not, however, Mary Jane's. Have you learned nothing, Tonya? :)

  3. Olga I can't where these or CFs due to my wide potato planting feet. I feel your pain!!!

  4. Oh, Julie. We truly are SOLE sisters. :) xo.

  5. I can commiserate. Shoe-shopping is a nightmare for me too. You will get the Mary Janes of your dreams, I feel it.
