Thursday, October 13, 2011


Dear People Who Ride the Subway:

You do not own the pole.

The pole is not for your entire body.
The pole is not a resting spot.
The pole is not just for you.
The pole is for your ONE HAND.

The pole is for EVERYONE.

Get off the fucking pole.

Kind Regards,



  1. uugh and what about the fucktards who sit (yes sit on that disgusting floor) in the doorway - really and you have the audacity to glare at me when my hard cover library book 'accidently' hits you in the head while I am stepping over your carcass..uugh hate people!

  2. Tonya: Thank you for bringing back the word fucktard. So good. And dude was back on the subway today - next time, I'm pushing him.
