Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hot 100

What ?!  Yes ! 
Really ?! I know!

It’s 100.  I’ve hit the Hot 100.  One Hundred Blog Posts.  I can’t believe it either.

As much as I hate to admit it, I am a pretty committed quitter – I get bored and things become too much work and it’s just more exciting to move onto the next (let’s all read into that, shall we?) but for some reason, I’ve stuck this out.  Likely because I can do it sitting down and it doesn’t aggravate me.

So, thank you kind reader – thank you for following, for commenting (not to play favourites, but I do love you the best), for encouraging and for having these daily one sided conversations with me.  I do appreciate that reading is like Forrest Gump’s box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get and that’s sort of hard.  I am sorry if you came to laugh and I made you sad, sorry if you stopped in for a mindless moment and I made you think, and I, of course, apologize for the periodic editions of the TMI Times - I can’t help it, really.  While I do adore consistency, I reserve the right to be unexpected when I want to be.  ;)

You must know that when TV shows celebrate their 100th episode they have a huge 1 0 0 cake with lots of sparkly candles.  I don’t know where to get one of those and while I could, I don’t think I should eat something like that all by myself.  So, I’m going to celebate (not a typo – have you been reading?) with a most apropos Red Velvet Cupcake: curiously red coloured yet undeniably delicious.


Thank you … xxoo.


  1. Congratulations, Olgie on hitting the big 1-0-0!! So happy to have celebrated with you, Red Velvet-style!!

  2. I didn't even know you had a blog! Duh. Well, now that I do know....congrats....and following.
