Tuesday, May 17, 2011


When you eat your Smarties do you eat the red ones last?
Do you suck them very slowly or chew them very fast?

Ah, the things we remember.

What do you do?  Do you eat those red ones last?  Do you savour the last bite of whatever deliciousness you’re eating or power feed?
I could win awards for speed eating.  I’m not sure how or why this habit developed but I eat really quickly.  I don’t savour the last mouthful of anything either – the more delicious the (sweet) treat the faster it goes down.  More, please!  :)

What I do savour though, is the last of things:  lovely notepaper I bought on holiday about 8 years ago that I can’t imagine running out of, so I use a few sheets and then tuck it away again (yes, I purchase stationary whilst on holiday because in a prior life I was most certainly a proper Victorian Lady); the last few chapters of a book I’m enthralled in and now, my latest hang on, the last episodes of Friday Night Lights. 

It’s Season 5 and then, that’s it.  We say goodbye to Dillon, Texas and I don’t want to.  I love this show so much it’s hard to articulate, it’s simply that good.  Most people will tell you it’s about football, but it’s as much about football as Harry Potter is about magic. FNL is about growing up and deciding who you want to be when obstacles come in your way to prevent you from making the choices you want.  It’s about dealing.  Sure, there’s teen angst, but when presented outside the soap-y parameters of 90201 you realize that the messages coming across are not limited to the under 20 set – they’re messages for life - for me and for you.  There are no stereotypes, only layered complex characters that have grown up or simply grown over the last 5 years.  It feels odd calling them ‘characters’, as to me and I’m sure to those that watch, these people are real (and not in my delusional unicorn fairy way) – they do the wrong things, they don’t look TV terrific all the time, you don’t always like them, they often make you angry and sad and happy and frustrated and all the things real people make you feel in the real life.  I don’t want to give up any plot points.  I’m not going to spoil anything for you.  What I am going to tell you is to do yourself a favour and watch this show.  Maybe by the time you get to Season 5, I might be ready to watch the last few episodes, but it’s hard to say when I’ll be ready to say goodbye.

Clear Heads
Full Hearts
Can’t Lose

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