Friday, November 18, 2011

Firth Friday

It’s no secret that Helen Fielding pillaged Pride & Prejudice when writing Bridget Jones's Diary, so much so she, too, named her aloof romantic hero Mark Darcy.  Way back in 1996 ('96?!) this book was IT and of course when news came that there would be a film adaptation I was worried and anxious.  Five years later the film was released, and thankfully, it did not disappoint because it remained true to our Bridge and was perfectly cast from tip to tail.  Apparently, Firth took on the role to bust out of his prim and proper Pride & Prejudice Mark Darcy image for good.  I personally don’t care why he agreed to do it.  I’m just forever grateful he did.  Aren’t you?  Because, seriously, when you think of Colin, isn’t this where you go first?  I know I do. 

And then they kill us with the Van Morrison ...

1 comment:

  1. Don't you wish perfect soundtracks like this would start up in real life, fading up to support the mood... just... so?
