Thursday, November 3, 2011


No, no kind reader, not from you!  Although sometimes it may seem as though I am on hiatus.  Life of late has not been conducive to spending time with you.  Forgive?

I need a break.  A big time break from something I love with all my heart.  Something that gives me pleasure and allows me to escape and sometimes laugh and sometimes cry but always think and ultimately enjoy.

I need a break from the movies.

(Audible gasp, heard across the universe.).

I know.  This is hardcore serious – the ultimate of breakups.  Full of disappointment and failed expectations.  I want to look to the positive – I mean, come on!  We’ve had such a  good run, the movies and I.  In September alone, as you know, I saw 25 (only) movies within 10 days.  I followed that up with some terrific films, watched a few at home (very, very rare) and now, well, I’ve reached a dry spell. SO much crap.  Too much thinking about the why of how this movie got made, and not enough thinking about the actual movie itself. 

Last night was the clincher.  I film so bad that not even my darling Aaron Eckhart – he of the chiselled face, square jaw and newly discovered perfect physique – could save.  Even the trailers were horrible.  Do not take away my trailers!  

I’m worried, of course.  What if this is it.  My newfound despondence will become the new me – I will no longer be “Opening Night Olga”, but instead a cynical person who only reads books, watches documentaries on PBS and poo-poos movies in general (hate these people!).  What will become of my Awards Show Parties?!  What will I do with all my time?!  What will I talk about?!  No!  It cannot be!  

Please, please.  Let’s not panic.  The movies cannot let me down.  We’ve been through so much together.  I need them.  I want them. I know the holiday season is fast approaching and this does mean more movies – I’m excited about a few of them but this, of course, based on my recent history, can go either way.  Are they going to suck?  Are they going to blow my mind?  Can they get me back?  It won’t take much, honestly.  I’m pretty easy like that.  I love you too much to be too hard on you movies, but come on … gimme a little something.  A little something good.  I’m counting on you.   


  1. There's always Movie Club, Olgie! Let's focus on revisiting some forgotten, or perhaps unseen, classics! Viva Movie Club!

  2. It all lies on you Suzanne. No pressure.
