Tuesday, September 11, 2012

TIFF2012 - Condensed Mayhem - Volume 6, ...

Last year I went to see Tree of Life with my superfriend J.  As seasoned movie goers and huge fans of the medium we needed to give Malick another go - maybe we were smarter this time.  Maybe we would get him.  Armed with popcorn ("Jason, seriously, I know we just ate but we need something to DO."), high hopes and determination we were ready.  Well.  About an hour into the film, we both spontaneously turned to each other (not just heads, full body turns) and started talking.  About stuff.  Now that's power.  We came to the conclusion that we simply need more from films.  Things like narrative, dialogue and a story.  I know, I know we are SO demanding.  So why, then, is To The Wonder on my TIFF list this year?  Because I'm a good friend (you're welcome Cres!) and I'm curious.  Curious enough to give Malick another shot.

To The Wonder
Ben Affleck, Rachel McAdams, Olga Kurylenko, Javier Bardem


What?  You want more?  What do you think this is? A blog where I write things and you read them and you maybe disagree and maybe understand and sometimes like?  HA!  Not today!  Today's blog is dedicated to Terrence Malick.  Just. Figure. It. Out.  What do YOU want it to mean?  What do YOU think I'm saying?  Look at the pretty landscapes!  Question your faith!  Prance in the meadow!  Tell your husband you cheated on him at the drive thru (so mean!  how's he every going to go to another drive thru?!)!  Fight!  Make up!  Stare longingly!  Break stuff!  Look - bison!

I will say I liked it better than Tree of Life.  I understood this one more, and it made a bit of existential sense.  A BIT.  We all agreed that Ben Affleck was horrifically miscast.  When you're in a movie with little dialogue you need to have a face that can convey your emotions so the audience can feel you.  At the best of times Ben's face is high grade handsome dufus.  This isn't good enough. Not for Malick.  The girls?  The girls were amazing, as was Javier.  I'm sad that Martin Sheen & Rachel Wiesz were completely cut out of this picture (can you imagine that?!) because they, too, would have been interesting to watch, but Ben?  No, not Ben.  Blank.  Sullen.  Stare.

Olga & Rachel were at the Q&A last night and this is where it pays to see movies at TIFF - they helped me understand the overall sense of a Malick film (Olga kept reiterating her surprise at the ending and finished product) and method - the actors are given pages of text and upon filming are told not to say anything, to convey what they've read in their faces & bodies.  So there's that.  And that's Malick.  You love him or hate him.  Me?  I'm not talking.  LOOK AT MY FACE.

Today is a classic tale of how you need to do your research.   I thought Jump was a charming movie from Ireland.  Well, it's from Ireland but it's a crime horror movie. I don't know.  Whatever.  After last night, I'm going to make it about anything I want it to be ...

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