Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Dress Down

I think I’ve found my new top pet peeve, or at least another to add to the list. 

Introducing, The Dress Down.

The dress down is that up / down look people (okay, FINE, girls) give you when you’re talking to them (I’m happy to provide a visual demonstration if you’re not getting it).  I believe it’s the female equivalent of the male “looking at your boobs”.    

So you’re talking to someone – new or known – and they’re not looking at you, they’re checking out what you’re wearing. 

I get dressed down all the time.  By the same two people.  At work.   I mean, WHY?  I may not be able to do many, many things but I think that maybe I can kinda sorta pull an outfit together that looks professional and nice and moderately stylish (if your style is not trendy or bohemian).  But, no, these two head honcho-type ladies give me The Dress Down every time they see me because I am blessed with them working on my floor.  What are you looking for?  A flagrant fashion foul?  A break in dress code?  Guilty!  I am not wearing hose & close-toed shoes in summer, nor is my own staff.  Write me up, lady, but don’t insult me.  I’m no Runway to Realway fashion plate but I match.  Nothing is ripped, stained, overtly ugly or inappropriate.  What are you doing?!  Leave me alone!  Stop dressing me down, bitch. 

Yes, I said it.  It is totally a bitch move and I hate it.  At least when guys stare at your boobs they don’t have any of their own to look at.  I doubt my shift dress is as fascinating to these ladies.  I know they’re looking for something wrong and mock-able.  I wish they’d go find the ammo for these requisite catty conversations elsewhere because every time this happens I’m reminded that regardless of how far women have come in society (we can vote!) and the workplace (we’re in charge!) we’re never, ever far away from the shenanigans of the high school washroom.  Pathetic, right?  Yes, it totally is.


  1. Olgs, You nailed this one! I don't think there has been one day that I've worked here (in 6 years) that you haven't looked lovely! Professional, classy, stylish and always accompanying a gorgeous pair of shoes! You just keep rockin' it ... :) Ali
    Oh ... and don't forget me on closet clean out days!

  2. "Dress Down" as opposed to "A Dressing Down" which I thought you meant at first. Interesting... as a man I've been pretty much indoctrinated into the "look her in the eye" school of visual interaction unless she is someone with whom I am already intimate; the "checking out" of other part(s) needs to be done discreetly, in an unobtrusive fashion.

    It's unbelievable how much judgement even adult women seem to suffer from other women... it's so high school!

    You always seem to be to be impeccably turned out, dear Olga, so let those naysayers go hang, otherwise I shall be forced to give them a good dressing down...
