Thursday, June 23, 2011

Let It Roll

Is this not the worst best advice?   

Let it Roll

I have a highly developed loonytunes thought process.  Coincidentally, a few of my friends do too.  When presented with any sort of somewhat perplexing conversation worthy personal-type situation, we overthink and overanalyze and assume the worst and hope for the best and go so crazy in our own heads it’s surprising steam doesn’t come out of our ears.  I think I’m the worst of us, but really, this is no competition I’m striving to win.  More often than not, we look for problems where they don’t exist because, really, how boring is ‘everything is okay’.  This is what happens to people that have no real life worries: they make some up. Anyway, when we present each other with our little manufactured issues, which lately seems to be all the freakin’ time, we are so clear headed it’s scary. 

About a week ago, after bantering back and forth on the usual issues, I told J to “let it roll”. I actually think I shrugged when I said it.  “Look, things sound really good, just let it roll and see what happens.”  I wasn’t being passive or uncaring,  I really really meant it.  Stop looking for problems, stop trying to get into someone else’s head, stop feeding your own neurosis by wondering about possibilities and the future and just deal with the here and now – just let it roll.  First, he looked at me as if I was Jesus.  Then, he looked at me as if I was crazy.  Do I let it roll?   Are you out of your mind?!? I mean, please.  Me?!

But this is how we are with each other: we give each other the best advice ever, that we follow ourselves, never. 

Well, not anymore!

Let it Roll, J!  Let it Roll, O!

In truth, thus far, I am faring rather poorly.  In my estimation, J is still just as bad.  This will be a tough one, we know how hard habits are hard to break (except for going to the gym), but for the sake of our own sanity, we must be patient.  We must persevere.  We must prepare for battle. We are ready to stop the crazy.  We are going to Let It Roll.  



    Just let it roll!

  2. Olga,

    Good advice is easier to give to others than it is to follow ourselves. Just keep going, Baby steps!

    You made me look up this song...


  3. What a great Canada Day Treat ! Along the same theme:

    Thanks Matthew ! xo
