Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Jesus Christ and Holy Crap what the hell is happening to my face?!

Let me explain:  I have these smile folds that run from the corner of my nose to the corner of my mouth. These things are apparently called nasolabial folds and they are extremely common when you, uh, age. Your skin loses its elasticity and – oh my god – who cares what they are and why I have them, the point is I have them and they are awful.  SO AWFUL.  They make me look sad (like blue, not pathetic) and forlorn and a touch angry, but mainly just really, really sad.

I first discovered one last summer when I was renewing my passport.  We can’t smile in our photos, of course, which is really the universe’s way of reminding us we can’t be on vacation all the time, and that’s fine but smiles mask all sorts of face sins.  Like these damn folds.  Thankfully, the onset of a lovely holiday quickly overtook my initial feelings on the matter.  

Well, time does go by and I swear, the day after my big monumental birthday there was another one on the other side of my face.  Come on!  Happy Birthday to you, sad forlorn person! 

For the past month or so I’ve been trying to look on the bright side – if I didn’t smile and laugh so much I likely wouldn’t have these stupid things, but is this really something to be punished for?  Is this the price I have to pay for being happy most of the time? 

Unfortunately my natural options are limited:  Home Depot has not transitioned their line of polyfilla type products for personal face use; I can’t laugh / smile continually as this could be inappropriate in certain situations (“So sorry to hear about Uncle Leo”).  I’m not ready to deal with unnatural options – I’m only 40 (CRAP! Committed to the World Wide Web, now it must be real) for crying out loud! 

So, I’m going to do what any normal person would do (no, normal people do not go Zen and thus, neither do I):  I’m going to ignore them and make for damn sure that I smile and laugh whenever possible.  Shouldn’t be too hard, that’s what got me into this mess in the first place.

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