Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I Can't Read

Okay, hold up.  Obviously I know how to read, I just can't read.

Seems like ages since I've been able to pick up a book and just lose myself in it.   Am I being Facebook'd, BBM'd, Text'd and Email'd to death ?  Is my attention span going the way of that annoying (yet highly informative) CP24 screen where it's just mandatory to focus on everything all at once ?

I don't like this.  I don't like the TVs in elevators giving me a new word for the day (I have enough words, thank you).  Can't we just stand there ?  Can't I just daydream about not being in an elevator heading up to work ?  There's too much going on all the time.  I'm being overstimulated.  My brain is being compartmentalized to such a degree I don't give anything much attention because I'm giving everything a little attention.   It's exhausting.  I actually think I'm having a hard time reading because my brain wants to do more than just simply read.

Too bad, brain, I'm taking you back to basics.  I love reading way too much to let you get the best of me.   

1 comment:

  1. Wow, are you ever bang-on with this! I have had that exact same 'Shouldn't I be doing something else?' feeling lately when I read. I'm finding that with all the distractions, I'm developing serious ADD! I can't remember things one minute to the next, it's insane!
