Saturday, January 22, 2011


A number of years ago I signed up for French classes at the Alliance Francaise.  Over the course of about 4 years, my command of French improved somewhat, but this actually turned out to be an added bonus.  What really came out of these classes for me was the birth of The Frenchies.

I don't know about you, but I find it's pretty hard to make real, lasting friendships the older you get in life.  Everyone's busy, you have work friends, high school friends, university friends and well, enough friends.  Bringing new people into your circle is tough too - why upset the apple cart ?  This is why The Frenchies are so special to me.  We came together as we are just now as adults, bonding over the passe compose, and it's like we've known each other since forever.

The six of us are corporates and creatives, marrieds and singles, parents and non.  We've been through moves and breakups and marriages and babies and loss and illness.  Countless dinners, bottles of wine and blocks of cheese (French class, remember ?) have spawned evenings of neverending conversation that are marked by laughter and a desire to learn more.  A non - pretentious salon ! We're silly and sarcastic and revel in each other's idiosyncrasies. We laugh at each other and then just laugh.  We all talk all the time.  About everything and nothing.   We're all yes people, so we've had our fair share of adventures and have a long list of more to plan.  There isn't much I wouldn't do with this crew.  There isn't much I wouldn't do for this crew.  I love this crew.

Sometimes the stars align and you meet people you can't imagine living without.   People who value how rare this is and don't take it for granted.  People who are there for you, just as you are for them.  People like The Frenchies.

J'aime Les Frenchies!
Vive Les Frenchies !


  1. Can I just say this post made me choke up?! You're so right, Olgie! And so happy and grateful to have met you and the rest of the Frenchies as well. In a word: superbon!!

  2. Feel happy to be part of Frenchies, while fully recognizing myself in everything good you wrote about the group. You are so talented writer, or it seams to me since my creative writing in English (or any other language) is pathetic. But you menage to bring a vivid recollection of our first classes: With pure Parisian, born in Canada (I can't remember his name, Andre?)prof with his eye brows often lifted in surprise, while we all overemphasized the philosophy and our views over proper French, with an accent on how we feel about topics challenging for 13y old. Good stuff!

    Vive les Frenchies!

  3. My Dear Olga-that-matches,

    Super-chouette! I loved this post very much, thank you for writing it and reminding me of the origin of Les Frenchies.

    I remember lots of good times, great conversations, laughter and food and drink. We weren't from the same town, we didn't go to the same university, or work at the same office, or even live in the same neighborhood; still we recognized a common interest, a sense of humour, a pleasant chemistry that made those classes, and those people very special.

    I didn't actually realize that you had a blog! You're a good writer.


  4. Your words mirror my thoughts, dearest. The laughs we've had, the adventures.You are so special to me Olga, and I feel privileged to be part of the Frenchies.
    One day we will learn to speak French too!

  5. Pour la plus part, French is overrated. Love you guys ! xxoo
