Monday, January 24, 2011

Is this not the hardest word in the English language to say?

I don’t mean the soft serve, pussy foot “I don’t think that’s possible”, or “Let me check and get back to you”.  I mean the straight up, without chaser or hope:


So jarring.  So official.  So definitive. So NO.

So. Damn. Good.  It actually does feel rather liberating to say ‘no’ because it rarely leaves room for follow up.  There’s no turning back.  No waffle.  A no is a no is a no.  I’m not being harsh here - you’re not hurting anyone’s feelings.  You’re being straight and honest and as long as you’ve come to your ‘no’ in good faith you’re golden as far as I can see. 

Why cloud the notion of your specific lack of agreeability (which, by the way, is totally fine – why the constant need to please these days ?!) by wrapping your 'no' in a glut of “maybe’s” and “we’ll see’s” and “I’ll checks”?  In saying no you’ve gained my respect for not only being upfront, but also removing my need to chase down the real meaning of your pansy maybe.  THANK YOU.

So get efficient and get tough.  Just say no.  I know you can do it. 

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