Friday, February 4, 2011


Yes, cheese.  Not the insult “you’re trying too hard and are really tacky” cheese, but real, actual, delicious, yummy cheese.

I love cheese.  I’m not sure if this is because I’m Greek and was thus brought up on feta or because it’s just too delicious not to love.  All of it and lots of it – just bring it on.

I’ve met a few people in my day who don’t like cheese.  I'm suspicious.  Isn’t that like saying you don’t like weather? I mean, there are so many different kinds and types, how can you unilaterally not like any of it?  At all? Is it the sharp tang of old cheddar that’s turning you off?  The wonderful stink of blue not to your liking?  Perhaps the gooey creaminess of brie a bit much to handle, especially when baked in the oven with bourbon, brown sugar & pecans?  Wow.  I feel for you.  I mean, I feel really bad for you.  In the same way I feel bad for people who think running is fun.

Bet they don’t like cheese either.  Shame.


  1. Vive le fromage! I'm with you on this one. Who doesn't like cheese? Truly bizarre. Looking forward to a lovely cheese platter/full wine glasses on Saturday night!

  2. so clearly this is why we're friends. a passionate love for cheese and disdain for running.
    where have you been my whole life?

  3. Oh, Jason, better late than never, baby :).

    And yes ... Erica - the cheese was divine. Likely helped fuel the brain for Scrabble.
