Friday, February 18, 2011

Kid Styles

Ever spent some time kid styles?

Park, play, nap, snuggle, being read books that rhyme, puzzles or, my personal favourite: busting out your PJs at 7pm while on a visit to be totally ready for bed on the way home (one of these days, I'm going to do this).  Repeat.

Is anything better than laughing it out kid styles?

The laugh that starts as a giggle but turns into a throw your head back, count all the cavities in your teeth, tears streaming down your face with a potential nose snort laugh?  Made more hilarious because the thing you were laughing about was so utterly dumb and silly you're actually laughing at laughing at it but then you can't remember what you were laughing about in the first place. Repeat.

Kids.  They know where it's at. They know because they don't know.  They don't know all about the hard stuff that may come their way.  They don't know about worry or struggles or maybes or what ifs or work or paying the mortgage.  They don't know about tomorrow, they are all in for today, right now.

Kids.  The know where it's at. They think anything is possible because why wouldn't be.  They are amazed at everything they see and touch because everything they see and touch truly is amazing.  They want to learn and explore simply for the sake of learning and exploring.

Kid Styles - I can totally dig it.  Let's do it up Kid Styles more often - clearly, it's where it's at.

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