Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Excuses, Excuses

Tired of excuses: heard 'em all, trotted some out myself.

You're not helping matters with excuses.  You're separating yourself from the problem by making it about something else.  Your lateness could never possibly be about not giving yourself enough time to be on time, it's clearly traffic !  That work snafu ?  Yeah, obviously Joe didn't give you proper instructions - I mean, how could you possibly have legitimately misunderstood ?  Didn't run that errand you promised ?  Well, the subway was delayed and you couldn't get there on time.  God forbid you actually forgot !

This is so lame.  What ever happened to taking responsibility ?  To owning your shit ?

Are we so concerned about being perfect we can't admit to making a mistake, to screwing up, to being human ?  Think about it - when your excuse becomes the story, you divert focus. Let's take the mother of all excuses :  The dog that ate your homework. Problem isn't your not done homework, it's your dog.  Late isn't your problem, it's traffic.  You're not moron, Joe is.  Damn subway !  Why the pressure ? Who cares ?  You'll screw up, you'll get it right, you'll ebb, you'll flow - that's life.  Stop wimping out by trying to be perfect, because that's what excuses are :  an attempt at perceived perfection.  Perfect's easy.  Know what's hard ?  Manning up to your screw ups and living to tell the tale.  Being confident in knowing you are not a colossal moron, just a teeny one at this brief moment in time.  No sweat.

Take responsibility, own your shit and become a better person. 

No excuses.

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