Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Passive Intelligence

Do you get the impression we don't need to talk to people anymore?

What with Facebook status updates, constant Twitter feeds and cyber stalking we learn all we need to know about people without uttering a single word.  How cyberficient.

You've told me nothing about you.
I know so much about you.

I have often (embarrasingly too often) found myself in conversations with people where I'm being told a story, situation, life update that I'm certain I've heard before - but I haven't heard it before, I've read it before.  Even worse, sometimes I won't ask about a story, situation, life update because I'm waiting for the news to come to me the old fashioned way, but it doesn't because I suppose the person assumes I know and they're waiting for me to mention it. Awkward.

You've told me nothing about you.
I know so much about you.

How do we manage normal get- to- know- you's and tell-me-what's-news in these cyber times?  How can we have the first time thrill of hearing a story, situation, life update when by the time we hear about it it's almost old news?  Should we fake it?  Should we not care?  I care. And I don't want to fake it.  I want to stop this newfound passive intelligence.

I'm going to try to be honest: "hey!  read about your new house - tell me all about it!" (bit wind out of sails, but the elephant has officially left the room); I'm going to stop Facebook Updating & Twitter Feeding stuff that happens to me that I'd rather tell you about (don't worry, I'll still give you a funny quip or clip) in person and I'm absolutely going to stop cyber stalking (I am on the road to recovery). 

You've told me nothing about you.
Tell me everything about you.

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