Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sick Day

Sledgehammer to the face.

This is how I describe a sinus infection.  Gross.  Like, EWW Gross but also really painful.  Like, my glasses feel like they weigh 100 pounds sitting on my nose and my eyelids are so heavy I am looking out of slits.  My face is actually swollen. Painful grossness.  Good times.

I don't get sick very often, but when I do it's hardcore.  I don't get colds, I get pneumonia.  I'm just that kind of overachiever. 

So today, I actually stayed home and had a sick day.  I don't do this very often either because, well, I don't really get sick.  I think I can count the number of sick days I've taken in my entire career on half a hand.  Feels weird here.  Sick, with kind of nothing to do.  Well, I can find things to do but I don't want to because my head hurts when I move it.  Sleeping would be great, but it hurts to lie down and sitting up sleeping isn't very relaxing.   It's all making me quite exhausted.

I can't read (back to hurt!) so, instead, I've watched movies.  FOUR movies!  So that's good.  Tangled, The American, Moulin Rouge & Inside Job.  All amazing, although the sledgehammer to face feeling magnified considerably with the last one.  Nothing like being reminded of the worst time in your career to get the joy of Walt, George & Ewan out of your system and good.  Sheesh.

In between the movie watching I made brownies because the smell of baking makes me really happy.  But, I can't smell anything.  I'd eat some brownies, which also makes me really happy, but I can't taste anything either. So that all sucks and what's the point.  

I'd like to watch Oprah but she has Gayle on today.  I hate Oprah + Gayle.  They are so annoying together.  You know I really hate them together because I want my best friend to be Oprah so I can be Gayle, right ?  Whose life is better than Gayle's ?  She could teach a Master Class on riding coattails.  Well played, Gayle, well played.

So, that's me on a Sick Day.

I'm going to go catch up on my celebrity gossip now.  It's been awhile since I tuned into Charlie Sheen's Tornado of Awesome and I could use a hit right now, likely better than a sledgehammer to the face, right?

Feel better, me !


  1. How AMAZING was Georgie in the American!

  2. PS feel better..sorry got carried way with Georgie

  3. I totally understand and will not take it personally. YES ! He was amazing - not sure why the movie didn't get more love as it was great too. Thankfully Physio Scott reminded me about it ... :)
